

Each of our products proves performance and quality by passing ndt. Choose SPC to reach the best.

We know difficulties of your job, for this reason our products are designed to withstand the hardest of conditions.

We represent trust, quality and sustainability. Each of our products has a quality that exceeds industry standards.




Casting Services

Our main casting group is construction machinery excavators and protective equipments. Continuation

Forging Services

We provide technical support services for the production of all forging processes Continuation

Consultancy Services

We also provide consultancy services for factory facility establishment and project design Continuation

We are proud to provide you with the best service.

We are a company founded by an industry-leading team. Since our inception, we have been known for our commitment to excellence and high-quality products.


Latest Posts

A Critical Role in the Construction Industry Bucket Teeth and Innovative Manufacturing Processes

The construction industry is becoming more and more complex, and this complexity has a significant impact on the quality and efficiency of construction machinery

Durability and Performance: New Trends in the Design of Bucket Teeth

The construction industry is a field that is constantly changing and developing with the rapid advancement of technology.

Climate Change and Marine Biology: Strategies to Protect the Future of the Oceans

While climate change poses a serious threat to the world today, marine biology and ocean ecosystems are also significantly affected by this change.

Our customers trust us with delivery

Reliable and on-time delivery for our customers is at the heart of our business. We pay great attention to delivery in order to increase the value we provide to our customers and meet their expectations.

We manufacture, export and stock get group products for mining and earthmoving equipment.